
The dreaded word in most classrooms and on most works cited pages is usually the first stop for fast information. If I want to know new Disney pages or my roommate needs to know how to pick a lock we head straight to Wikipedia. Sometimes when starting to gather information for a paper that I’m clueless about I go to Wikipedia to get a rough idea about the subject I am about to research. I am terrified about approaching Wikipedia from the editor standpoint, because I feel that my knowledge is not worthy of creating or editing information that everyone can see and criticize. Once again, I am preventing myself from accessing the full benefits of the internet because I’m scared. However, using Wiki as a co-creation tool in a classroom excited me. If students learn how a Wikipedia page is created then they should intuitively be prone to the benefits and downfalls of a co-created site. It is interesting how one website can hold both beneficial and dreadful connections to education.

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2 Responses to Wiki

  1. I do the exact same thing. When I am assigned a research paper or essay on a subject I know little or nothing about my first stop is to Wikipedia. Even though I know I cannot use it in the paper I will at least use it as a gateway to other resources that I can use. I too am afriad of accidentally using an unacceptable resource and I want to make sure my students do not feel this way.

  2. srobin48 says:

    I feel the same way about editing or adding information on Wikipedia as you do. It scares me to death!!! I felt that way about blogging as well. Like, “Who wants to read what I have to say?” My status on Facebook is rarely updated for that very same reason. I hope this class gives me more confidence in that area. (Not confidence to update my status on FB but to blog and use Wikis!) I’m anxious to see how I feel about Wikis after we complete our Wiki assignment in this class. Maybe the fear we have now will be erased.
    I enjoyed the picture you chose to include in this blog. It’s a perfect way to describe Wikipedia!

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